Category Archives: The Public Arena

The Challenge with Hedging

In the months leading up to the Presidential elections of 2020, President Trump has started hedging against the chance he may lose. He is expressing concerns that the voting systems are not accurate and that the Democrats are actively engaged … Continue reading

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The holiday season tends to bring out the best in people. Kindness is found in giving trees, secret Santa exchanges, community concerts, lighting the menorah and much more. There is little judgement, just a sense of giving. People that truly … Continue reading

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McDonalds, Hill & Trump

Impressive move this weekend by McDonalds to remove their CEO, Steve Easterbrook, for an inappropriate relationship with a member of staff. Upholding one’s personnel manual should not be the cause of a pat on the back, but in today’s world, … Continue reading

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The Justice of Impeachment

I am constantly amazed at the partisan shock and awe regarding different parts of government fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities. Playing for sound bites and trying to play to their bases has always been the game in politics. Although, every generation … Continue reading

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Dysfunction Junction

As a child on Saturday mornings a short segment would play called Conjunction Junction. The focus of the segment was to teach the principle of how different ideas, people, places could be joined together with a simple conjunction. The music … Continue reading

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We are not a democracy

Since the 2000 Presidential elections there has been a cry for the dissolution of the Electoral College. Following the 2016 elections, it has started again, namely by the losing candidate, Hillary Clinton. Regardless of political ideology, we should all denounce … Continue reading

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State of the Union 2019

Four and half years ago I wrote a similar article. The main characters were Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. The primary characters have changed, but the story is the same. We live in a divided country that is further being … Continue reading

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Civility Lost

I had the unique opportunity to grow up in the Washington, DC area during the 80’s & 90’s. The District and surrounding suburbs were in full growth mode during the Reagan years. The schools I attended were full of students … Continue reading

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Politics in the United States of America

So 2016 is certainly creating lots of amusement around the world.  While many are concerned about the reality of an economy in turmoil, the election process for the next President of the United States is turning from a comedy of … Continue reading

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The hypocrisy following Justice Scalia

First and foremost, condolences to the the Scalia family.  It is hard enough to deal with the loss of loved ones, then to hear Washington pick it up as a political tool is sad, at a minimum.  God bless the … Continue reading

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The Need for Universal Healthcare

Hillary Clinton started a push for universal healthcare during her husband’s first term in office.  It failed tragically.  After 8 years of a Republican in the White House, Obama took his turn and got a bill passed.  Here is what … Continue reading

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It Takes Two to Tango…

NBC News/WSJ poll released yesterday says 60% of Americans would fire all of Congress, including their own Representatives.  Meanwhile, the President’s ratings have stayed fairly flat, though his ratings in the Very Negative category have grown by 4 points while … Continue reading

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Innocence Lost

As individuals we often look to create heroes.  We want someone to look up to that inspires us.  Men and women that accomplish great achievements.  People like Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, David Patreus, Joe Paterno, Vanessa Williams and Ray Lewis. … Continue reading

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State of the Union

The election cycle for 2012 has come to a close.  While some are looking toward 2014 and 2016, most of us “regular” people are wondering what is going to happen today.  Judging by the last week since the election, nothing is … Continue reading

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