It Takes Two to Tango…

NBC News/WSJ poll released yesterday says 60% of Americans would fire all of Congress, including their own Representatives.  Meanwhile, the President’s ratings have stayed fairly flat, though his ratings in the Very Negative category have grown by 4 points while his Very Positive ratings have gone up by 1 point.  Read the entire poll results here.

Here is what I don’t understand about the press, the polls and the politicians…It still takes two to tango.  Both Houses in Congress have refused to talk.  Congress and the President are not talking.  Why isn’t 60% of the American people saying to get rid of everyone?

The reality is both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans, are just as stubborn as the other.  We point to the Tea Party members and blame these new members of Congress, when in reality, the old supposedly moderate Republicans and Democrats have not figured out how to accomplish anything either.  The President’s insistence, along with Senate Leader Harry Reid, that he will not negotiate with a gun to his head is no different than the Tea Party saying we want spending cuts.  It is going into a negotiation unwilling to budge.

The irony of the matter is that both sides are working so hard to preserve whatever power they believe they have and whatever legacy they believe they are creating, that they are actively destroying both.  Power in politics only partially comes from office and title, the majority of it comes from persuasion and capable leadership skills.  Legacy is based on accomplishment.  Currently our Federally elected officials are failing at both.

I will post more thoughts on Obamacare, spending cuts, tax review and the largesse of our Federal government in future posts.  For now, it is enough to ask, why aren’t we equally upset with both dance partners?

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