
The holiday season tends to bring out the best in people. Kindness is found in giving trees, secret Santa exchanges, community concerts, lighting the menorah and much more. There is little judgement, just a sense of giving. People that truly engage in the holiday spirit are generally happier.

So, why don’t we do this all year round? None of us are perfect. We all do things that annoy someone else. But why cant we be more patient and kind with those that think, act or dream differently than we do? Why are we so afraid to listen and care all year long?

Small towns, big cities, nations and the world are all in turmoil. The scale of the challenges are different, but the resulting frustration, anger, political maneuvering is all the same. It divides people.

So, lets enjoy this holiday season. Let’s practice kindness, patience and love. If we spend the next 30 days focused on these behaviors, they will become habits. Maybe, just maybe, we will then have a joyful 2020.

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