State of the Union

The election cycle for 2012 has come to a close.  While some are looking toward 2014 and 2016, most of us “regular” people are wondering what is going to happen today.  Judging by the last week since the election, nothing is going to change.

Whether Republican, Democrat or Other, we should be concerned.  Romney and Obama both said nice things about working together, but since then, we are back to partisan fighting and grandstanding.  Obama is claiming a mandate on taxes, both parties are fighting over the Patraeus’ affair and the Benghazi attacks.  The fiscal cliff is looming with no real compromise on the horizon.

The challenge that both parties have to understand is that neither is right.  The only mandate is cooperation.  Control over the Government is fairly well split right down the middle.  Most Americans are moderate.  Most elected officials are not.

We need leaders that act like leaders not bickering school kids.  We need someone to stand up, tell the truth, and lead us toward a balanced solution.  Leadership requires courage, determination and persuasion.  So far, we have no clear leaders, in Congress, the White House or America.  The popular vote was not decisive.  Control of the House or Senate is tenuous.  The Supreme Court is split.

America, it is time to stand up and hold our elected officials accountable for improving the country.  Build a tax law that provides adequate funding and incents Americans to save.  Downsize government spending in military, domestic and social services.  Tighten our reach abroad to what we can manage, both tactically and financially.  Live within our means.

Lets start the dialogue.  Lets push for realistic solutions that will lay a foundation for another 200 years.  Lets not leave the next generation despair as our gift.  Lets be great again…

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