State of the Union 2019

Four and half years ago I wrote a similar article. The main characters were Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. The primary characters have changed, but the story is the same. We live in a divided country that is further being divided, being led by our elected officials.

It is interesting in visiting with people across the country that we as the general population are moderates. We tend not to swing too far left or right. But we have elected officials that do and they are destroying our country.

Fixing what is wrong is not as hard as it seems. It requires all of us to exercise a bit of humility. We need to be willing to sacrifice being right fro doing what is right. We need to be willing to truly listen and then build upon what others say, rather than putting them down. Often society sees humility as a weakness. In reality, it is what builds bridges and allows us to move forward for the better of all mankind.

Regardless of what President Trump says tonight or what the Democratic response is, it will mean little if there is not an exercise of humility. It is likely that both sides will dig in on their positions, unfortunately. The country will continue to exist, but live far below the expectations of our Founding Fathers.

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